Palmarino Zoccatelli

Versions of names: Палмарино Дзоккателли, Палмарино Цоккателли

Zoccatelli is a chairman of a comittee "Veneto Indipendente" ("Independent Veneto") and of a cross-party committee "Il Veneto Decida" ("Let Veneto Decide"), campaigning for a referendum on the independence of Veneto, and vice-president of the Veneto branch of the pro-Kremlin Lombardy-Russia Cultural Association. Since 2019 -  the Head of "il Centro di Rappresentanza DNR di Verona" (DNR Representation Bureau in Verona).

Corresponding elections

On 11 November 2018, the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, located within the internationally recognised borders of Ukraine, held “elections” to elect a head of the “republic” and members of its “parliament”. The overwhelming majority of the world’s nations does not recognise the sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic, while international institutions such as the OSCE ODIHR considered “elections” there as illegitimate and did not send international election observers there.
